Visit to the Marine Research Center

This afternoon we visited the Bioscience Research Center in its new headquarters in Orbetello, directed by technical-scientific contact Monia Renzi, a valuable member of our Scientific Committee.

BSRC is a private Research Center founded 11 years ago that supports and finances its own basic scientific research, investing the profits deriving mainly from the services offered in the field of environmental impact assessment, study on micro and nanoplastics, analysis of various types.

The research activities concern the territory, especially in the marine area but also include international collaborations.

It was extremely interesting to visit the laboratories divided into various areas, each with independent spaces and instruments to avoid contamination:

Biology laboratory for the evaluation of the ecological state of the water, mainly salty but also lagoon (searching for plant organisms such as algae) and the sediment (searching for organisms between 0.5 and 5 mm)

Physics laboratory where granulometric analyses are carried out on the sediment (the grain of the sand) information necessary in dredging operations.

Chemistry laboratory which studies the behavior of water particles in food products, cosmetics and sediments.

Ecotoxicology Laboratory which through the use of biological organisms, evaluates the toxicity of samples (water, sediment, any substance)

Analytical microscopy laboratory, flagship of the research center for the study of the internal structure of the cell

Microbiology laboratory: which uses bacteria for metal decontamination

BSRC is accredited by Accredia for the reliability of the results, it is certified Iso 9001 and 14001.

Congratulations to Monia and all her research staff, TEF is proud to be able to count on and collaborate for the scientific validity of our projects.